Things have been busy here. we're finally settled (well almost) into the new house. We have a new fur baby - a 12 week old purebred chocolate lab. I've never had a purebred before, but we plan to breed her when she's 2 and right now she's all fun, snuggles and chewed shoes. In about a week K's middle son will be living with us to try and get a new start on life. He's 21 and has always been our troubled child..also the one who i developed and instant soft spot for the first time I looked into those 13 yo big brown eyes.
On the mommyhood front. We've finishe foster classes but will wait till J gets out and on his home before having the homestudy. Meanwhile...drumroll......
I'm jumping back on the TTC train in Jan. !!! I've rented out the old house which frees us finances somewhat so I'll be able to afford a few more trys. I'll probably have to go through a whole nother round of testing since I'm now a year older, but hopefully this will be the time.
I've been keeping up on everyones blogs and you are all in my prayers. T and especially L get extra prayers these days.
love to all.