4 days left in the TWW, I'm mostly trying to pretend nothing is happening. maybe if I expect nothing, and look forward to nothing, then SOMETHING will come. Reverse Psycology I guess.
Things have been pretty chaotic around here. K's mom was just diagnosed with stage 3 renal failure, which I'm told is pretty bad. yets she continues to sit in her chair and smoke all day, only getting up to use the bathroom, while her loyal subjects wait on her hand and foot. K hasn't been taking care of herself at all either, she's not taking her meds like she should and she's sleeping alot. And doesn't really care right now. She's obviously depressed, all the stress of that house is getting to her yet she refuses to come home because they "need" her. It's so hard watching the person I love most self destruct slowly right in front of me and not be able to do a damn thing.
I've decided I need to concentrate on getting myself as healthy as possible and persue my dream of motherhood. but it's hard not o go over there everyday and try to take some of the stress away from K. But then the stress ends up on me, which is not good at all.
Good news is the weather has finally decided to be spring like so maybe I can plant some pretty flowers outside.
I'm so sorry. Is she going to be on dialysis? Mark was on dialysis for a year before his transplant. If you need to talk or K needs to talk, feel free to e-mail anytime sweetie! tammywondra@yahoo.com
I just heard about your DP, I'm so sorry and we'll pray that everything is ok and she has a fast and total recovery.
Email me if there is anything I can do to help!
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