Monday, September 28, 2009

BFN...I give up. I can't afford to try anymore. Because of all the money i spent on trying, i won't be able to pay my property taxes this year. I give up on everything. Why am I even here?

1 comment:

Melody said...

Two hearts struggling......mine used to grieve over the things you are dealing with currently but now my heart is heavy over different issues. You can get through this and you will.I can get through my stuff and I will. Anyone can just "get through" but what I want for me and for you is to get through it with strength, hope and peace and that can only come from God alone. Seek him, my friend, and you will find him. I want you to know that I will pray for you as you end one journey (IVF?) and seek what is next. Remember that just because it's hard, tough and sucks like nothing else before doesn't mean God is not in it. We serve a God who suffered himself and he calls us to suffer at times. But trust that he does know what he's doing and it's for a purpose.
If you ever want to talk more feel free to email me at my address.
Don't know ya, but I'm feeling your pain and committed to praying for you!