Thursday, January 1, 2009

here's to new ears

Every New Years i think of my neice when she was about 2.(she's now 23!)
We were all celebrating new years eve and she'd been asleep up until about 11:30pm. She woke up in time to watch the ball drop then, as we all wished each other happy new year, her small, worried voice piped up and asked "why we gotta have new ears? I yike mine ears!"

to me she is still that little girl no matter how big she is and that she's a mother now with a second one on the way (despite my repeatedly telling her she couldn't have one before i did!)

I really hope that this year is the year that sees T and the rest of my ttc sisters being able to celebrate (along with me of course) mamahood and all those precious stories to come.

Happy New Ears everyone!

1 comment:

twondra said...

Your niece was toooooo cute!

I hope you get your baby. You deserve it so much sweetie. (((HUGS))) Thanks for the shout out!