Friday, October 30, 2009


I took Sadie to the vet, got her on antibiotics.

The new thoery is that Sadie may be sick...seriously sick as in possible cancer. And that Roxy is detecting some chemical change in her. The only way to find out is a bunch of tests I can't come close to affording. The $105 for a visit and antibiotics almost wiped out the checking account. It sucks to be on a limited income when things like this come up.

I have set up a seperate blog for Sadie. It will have updates and also a donation link for those who wish to donate. No pressure or obligation. If anyone is interested in following the Sadie story the link is

We had another mini incident further injuries, but Roxy went for the exact same spot as before, Sadie's ear. Which leads me to believe the theory might be right.

This situation is killing me. It's not happening with any of the other dogs, and Sadie is my special one.


twondra said...

I'm so sorry sweetie. I'm thinking of you and Sadie. (((HUGS)))

Ellen said...

thanks. How's Eddie doing?